Category Archives: News

Review – Metalheadz Podcast

So we all now Metalheadz are one of, if not, THE biggest label(s) in Drum & Bass, and we all know Goldie’s fearsome reputation for being a hard man and all round grumpy c**t. Well get ready to have that reputation torn in tatters as you listen to Metalheadz Podcast #2.

There is the usual top notch upfront music that you would expect, but what took me by complete surprise is the good time being had by Goldie, Heist, Nick and Chris post Swerve and obviously post a few lemon sherbets. I’ve heard a lot of radio shows and podcasts in my time, but none that have actually made me squirt redbull through my nose on the fit bird sitting next to me on the train.

This whole thing is hilarious from start to finish and took me back to doing graveyard shifts on RTRfm mashed up with me mates in the 90’s. If you really want to hear what D&B is truly about, I suggest you subscribe to the Headz podcasts now while #2 is still available because it is THE best time you will hear on radio.

Big up the Metalheadz for not running a serious and dull podcasting session and for letting us in on one of their big nights out. I wasn’t at the final night of Swerve at the End, but when I listen to this I feel like I almost was. Respect.

Click here to download Metalheadz Podcasts

Where did the old mixes go?

I am pretty much starting my FTP again as far as the old mixes I have online are concerned.

If anyone is looking for previous sets sourced from other sites you can make a request through the blog’s ‘request line’ page and I will dig them out and upload them. My aim is to eventually get this blog to the stage where it can be a single stop shop for any of my mixes.

Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause in the short term.

That’s all the world needs. Another bloody blog.

Okay, so I always said I wouldn’t do a blog.

I’m not a massive extrovert, I don’t really think my opinion is that much more valid than the next mans and, lets face it, blogs are so 2006 they make my eyes hurt just thinking about them.

Luckily, with this blog, the best content is able to be taken in with your eyes shut. I might write the odd entry here and there, but mainly this is for my music. So if you like D&B and other beats of a broken nature, I am sure you’ll find something to your liking amongst my virtual pages.

If you don’t then I suggest you try a knitting forum, or something more pron related. Hope you like the blog.